1000 Red Flags and You Didn't See One of Them? Part 2
Even with all that has come to light, sadly, most "leftists" remain clueless.
In my second substack, 1000 Red Flags and You Didn't See One of Them? I highlighted red flags that should have alerted any astute person to the fact that something was really amiss in the narrative we were being fed. The authorities readily contradicted themselves. They made statements and implemented policies that didn't make sense and most people went along for the ride. Those who spoke out were a minority, a righteous minority. In my first article in this (1000 red flags) series I compiled a preliminary list of 15 clues that something wasn't right about the bag of goods we were being sold. I couldn't actually list 1,000 things for the simple fact that my format was an article and not a book. I do, however, think that if we really continue to recollect everything that transpired we could come up with 1,000 examples of the absurdity that we were subjected to in this, unfortunately ongoing, tragicomedy.
The following is a second list of 15 red flags as we work our way to 1,000.
1. Streamlined messaging across media systems — when Anderson Cooper and Sean Hannity are in perfect accord, something evil is happening. When CNN, MSNBC and Fox are pumping out the same message, reading from the same script, a propaganda onslaught is underway. The oligarchs, the self proclaimed masters of mankind are exerting themselves. Something foul is afoot.
2. Help is not imposed — help is supposed to be out of compassion and genuine concern for the individual or group being helped. Help is not imposed, coerced or mandated in any manner. "Help" that is issued in a coercive way is not help at all but rather part of some sort of agenda. It is the expression of an ulterior motive.
3. Joe Biden is an inveterate liar. Why would he be telling the truth this time? Joe Biden was expelled from the 1988 Democratic Party primary for flagrant and repeated plagiarism. Do you remember that? Have you ever seen the footage? Take a look at this clip from the Jimmy Dore show, it really is astonishing.
It should have most certainly been the end of his political career. Yet, over 30 years later, here he is, recycled and placed in the (supposedly) highest executive office in the land. So much for diversity. It's rather ironic because the Democratic Party which pretends to hang its hat on diversity was unable, whatsoever, to produce a fresh young candidate. They didn't offer forth a dynamic woman or a so-called person of color. Instead, they offered yet another white male, career politician who broke his predecessor's record for being the oldest candidate to take the oath of office. He's a stale bag of Wonder Bread. As I highlighted in my 4th Substack article he claimed that he wouldn't — and legally couldn't — mandate the novel, rushed-to-market, killer vaccines. What do you know? He was lying. He did mandate the fake vaccines even though he said he wouldn't — and he could mandate them, even though, again —he said he couldn't. A double lie. That he contradicted himself so thoroughly was a flaming red flag, but it went unnoticed by legions of people who were eager to follow orders and not question anything.
When a guy who has dedicated himself to incarcerating people and voting YES for war decides to try his hand in "pharmacology" — the answer is NO.
4. Inconceivably disproportionate death tolls (U.S. in contrast with China/Canada) — have you read "There Was No Pandemic" by physicist and multidisciplinary scientists Denis Rancourt? I recommend you do.
Whatever was floating around, causing mortality events in various "hot spots" around the world did not spread equidistantly and was never coherently explained. The virus that quickly traveled around the world was unable to spread in a commensurate way from cities to neighboring suburbs and towns. Once again — it didn't make sense. The death toll in the United States, relative to Canada — adjusted for differences in population — suggests that either Canadian doctors are orders of magnitude better than their American counterparts or that Canadian people are that much more resilient than their neighbors in the U.S.. Both are untenable explanations.
It has been maintained that China was the place from which the Covid-19 "pandemic" originated. Yet China never broke 5,000 official deaths relative to their population of almost 2 billion. In the U.S. over 2 million deaths were attributed to Covid despite our population being approximately a fifth of the population of China. Of course people will say we can't trust the records being produced by China. We, however, cannot trust the records being produced by our own country which "cooked the books" in various ways.
5. If you haven't cured the common cold you didn't cure the super-cold — Coronavirus was a virus known for inducing what we call the common cold. Covid-19 is a reference to the disease, the external symptoms, expressed in reaction to a novel Coronavirus that first appears on the scene in 2019 with an unusual addition of a spike protein feature, along with other "inserts" indicating gain of function activities. The same way there is no injection that can be injected into someone's arm muscle to prevent them from catching a cold, there is no such injection to prevent one from catching the spike protein augmented super-cold. It's sort of like someone who you know for a fact can't do 10 push-ups in a set, claiming somehow that they have the extraordinary ability to do 25 pull-ups in one set.
6. A major corporation will never be the salvation of the human race — stories have to make sense. I don't know when this story of the human race will end, or how it will end, but one thing I'll tell you right now is that if the human race is going to be extinct — we will be extinct. We will not be conveniently saved by a corporate invention. There will not be a scenario wherein the human race is on the verge of extinction and a corporation conveniently invents something to preserve our species. (Of course their invention is massively profitable for them but that's just incidental to their purely humanitarian gesture — sure.)
7. A product that must be kept at subfreezing temperatures will never be the salvation of the human race — that goes against evolution. The human race is durable and meant to survive. Nature would not make our survival incumbent upon an injectable product that needs to be kept at negative 70° Celsius. But why is it that only the Pfizer version of the product needed to be kept at this temperature? It was not the case for Moderna or J&J. Also, notice how they quickly swept that special condition under the rug —because how could they really give you these products at various pop-up locations and guarantee that those extremely low temperatures could be maintained from manufacturing, through distribution, up to the point of administration? It was a tall order that couldn't be executed in all practicality. We quickly forgot about that precondition. No worries. It's all good. Just stuff getting injected into our bodies.
8. The urgent need to "save" black people — when I saw Melinda Gates on some television show talking about we need to make sure black people get this injection first, I said "Oh no she didn't." Our community has been neglected in every respect and so shamefully. There would be far too many things to list if we started describing the decay, economic backwardness and lack of standards in the so-called inner city, but all of the sudden when it comes to these products there's this newfound gusto for our well-being? That just doesn't make any sense. I'm not buying it. Like the woman who wound up being very successful with her hot sauce, Sweet Georgia Brown, after that terrible row fire in Chicago who went viral for saying, "Ain't nobody got time for that." This is one of those "Ain't nobody got time for that" situations. I've heard from comrades in the medical freedom movement in Canada, there was a lot of equivalent "save the natives" propaganda up north.
9. Surefire means of prolonging and protecting life were never suggested whatsoever by health authorities — fear and stress are immune system suppressants. Was Fauci unaware of this despite his vast experience and training? Were other medical professionals who participated in the fear-mongering, somehow not aware of that well known fact?
Another example is Vitamin D which is essential to the maintenance of the immune system. It was quickly determined that vitamin D deficiency was associated with the worst covid outcomes. Yet, There was no campaign to make people aware of this, let alone to make vitamin D readily available. Vitamin C, Zinc, Quercetin — recommending these supplements, making them available, could have saved lives and improved outcomes across the board, but that wasn't part of their agenda.
Likewise, exercise is key to overall health. Was this emphasized by Fauci and the others? No. On the contrary, we were told to stay inside (vitamin D deprived), trembling with fear, awaiting our experimental "vaccines" to be rushed through the regulatory process, mass manufactured and administered. That was the only option and they were set on that from the beginning. To offer practical suggestions such as what I listed above, would be counter to their objectives. It was imperative that fear was maintained to maximize the value of their novel products on the marketplace.
10. Refusal to release or respond to data — from the VAERS data to excess mortality data accumulating all around the world, the same "health authorities" and political figures who were so concerned about us possibly catching covid are completely disinterested in all the safety signals that have been activated like one five alarm fire after another since the roll out of the injectable products falsely marketed as vaccines. They have actively suppressed relevant data, while ignoring completely very concerning data that is readily available.
11. Secret ingredients — these novel so-called vaccines contain undisclosed ingredients because the financial well-being of the corporations involved, in the form of patent protections, trump the rights and safety of the general public. That seems fair.
12. Asymptomatic spread and the asymptomatic carrier — the entire notion of the asymptomatic carrier turned out to be a total farce. Yet that notion was key for the entire psyop. I mean, who could think of a greater achievement of the ruling class than to have the population in total fear of each other and irrationally so. Scared to infect each other and scared to be infected. To have the so-called common people treating each other as biohazards, terrified and resentful of each other with every sneeze and cough, was a crowning achievement for the oligarchs. My hats off to those evil bastards. They truly outdid themselves.
13. Confusing the public with wordplay/multiple names for the same thing — Coronavirus, Covid-19, SARS-2 — sort of like 3 card monté. It reminds me of when ISIS replaced Al Qaeda as the new main attraction in global terror. Policy makers, "security experts" and pundits would arbitrarily slip back and forth between calling them ISIS (The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria) and ISIL (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) without ever explaining why they were applying two different names to what was apparently one organization. I would love to hear a propaganda expert like Mark Crispin Miller weigh in on the question of how this type of word play, aside from helping to create a general atmosphere of confusion, effects our collective psychology.
14. "Safe and effective" an empty and inherently dishonest slogan — the slogan "safe and effective" which was of course repeated ad nauseam, aside from being obviously vapid, is inherently dishonest because emergency use authorization (EUA) means inherently that we're not sure. It means something that did not go through the normal regulatory process. It means we cannot speak with any certainty about long-term effects and various confounding variables.
15. A gene-based "vaccine"? No thanks. People who asked the question, "Could this effect my genes?" were derided as silly or paranoid but that is precisely what one should ask when offered an injection with the acronym "RNA" in the description.
ribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid present in all living cells. Its principal role is to act as a messenger carrying instructions from DNA for controlling the synthesis of proteins, although in some viruses RNA rather than DNA carries the genetic information.
It turns out that in addition to all the other inaccuracies we were told and lies we were sold, that what we were introduced to as messenger RNA was in fact modified RNA (a significant distinction). Since the rollout of these products a wide range of new concerns have been placed on the table. On episode 11 of my radio show, The Bassline, my guest, medical freedom All Star Jessica Rose PhD. gave us an overview of "Plasmid-gate" — the issue of plasmid contamination found in Covid "vaccine" vials that is most certainly not supposed to be there.
There is also the issue of "ribosomal frame-shifting." It's apparently a problem that goes back to the lack of stability of the mRNA platform that they knew wasn't resolved when they decided to use the bodies of the public as a dumping ground for experimental, corporate gene-juice. Again I refer to the esteemed Dr. Jessica Rose:
Then we have the problem of junk proteins, hear about that one on the corporate news? Here is Igor Chudov (outstanding Substack) with coverage of that concerning issue:
Lastly, (unfortunately there's more but we have to wrap up somewhere) I refer you again to Igor Chudov in his coverage of what was precisely the biggest concern in the first place — integration into human DNA:
Despite our incoherence as a species, we are generally programmed to survive (or so I thought). I don't mean to be harsh, but I am going to be frank when I say that such a large number of people globally (the exact percentage we cannot be certain) agreeing to receive these gene-based injections indicates a suicidal quality that is apparently inherent in our race.
there's this too :) https://jessicar.substack.com/cp/140726429#details
thanks for the shout out bro :) chess game soon...
Very well said! #1 sign for me was seeing Fauci on the news saying there was a medical emergency and he was the expert in charge. I knew then that nothing was going to be credible.