Dr Kimberly Biss is a dedicated and experienced obstetrician and gynecologist, practicing in Florida. We will be doing a recorded interview for my medical freedom dedicated radio show — The Bassline ( https://thebassline.podbean.com/ ) — in a matter of weeks. In the meantime, Dr. Biss has kindly agreed to a written interview. In her medical practice she has observed a variety of disturbing trends since the rollout of the gene-based, experimental Covid "vaccines" which were first made available to the American public on December 11th of 2020.
1. Dr. Biss, thank you so much for taking the time to participate in this interview. I would like to ask you first of all — what abnormalities and disturbing trends have you noticed since the rollout of the Covid "jabs"? In the three plus years they have been available, what has been the arc of the problems you have witnessed? Was there a peak, or do you find these problems to be ongoing?
The following is a link to a Substack written by Jessica Rose PhD.:
I sent her data I collected from January 2020 until November 2022. The data shows the miscarriage rate going up 100% year to year. 2020 was a NORMAL year with a normal 4% miscarriage rate; normal new pregnant patient register numbers; and normal deliveries. 2021 there was a 7-8% miscarriage rate and a decrease in newly registering patient ( infertility or losses). 2022 the miscarriage rates increased to 15%. In December of 2022 the miscarriage rate was 27%. In January and February of 2023 the miscarriage rate increased to 30%. The rate did not come back down to normal until June of 2023.
65% of our Obstetric patients had been vaccinated; most had 2-3 injections in 2021 and early 2022. Very few had 4 or more. So the miscarriages continuing to increase in 2022 and 2023 is concerning as they are remote from the time of the injections.
We also saw the following increase in frequency:
— Pre Eclampsia (high blood pressure in pregnancy)
— Oligohydramnios (low amniotic fluid around the baby)
— Post partum hemorrhages (loss of 4 or more units of blood after delivery of baby)
In our gynecology population the abnormal menstrual periods increased. Post menopausal women also bled. Both situations resulted in surgeries and some had hysterectomies. Abnormal PAP smear rates increased 15%. Breast cancers increased.
2. What has your communication been like with other doctors in your field in terms of what you are describing? Are other obstetricians and gynecologists noticing the same things? Are there any institutions acknowledging the negative trends you are observing?
There are 62,000 OBGYNs in our country. There are less than 10 of us vocalizing our concerns. Our Board (ABOG) sent us all an email in September of 2021 telling us to play nice in the sandbox or we could lose our certification. This is not the same as losing a medical license, however, most hospitals and insurance companies require doctors to be Board Certified.
3. How has the past 4 years changed your personal views, in regard to doctors and the medical profession as a whole. Huge question, I know — but what are your key takeaways?
I began to question Big Pharma and Big Food when I began eating the ketogenic way back in 2018. I listened to a lot of podcasts and learned all of the lies we had been told regarding fat. This made it easy for me to be very suspicious of the recommendations we were given early on in regard to C19. Nothing made any sense to me — lockdowns, the 6 foot rule, masks, stopping elective surgical procedures, no outpatient treatment for respiratory infections. The coercive tactics used to encourage “vaccination” using a brand new genetic therapy sent me down many rabbit holes. I no longer support any vaccines. None have been developed and tested against a true placebo. Turtles All The Way Down is a great book discussing this.
There was a lot of groupthink and intellectual laziness these last four years. My opinion on that is as follows: in the early 90’s when I began medical school, the concept of evidence based medicine became a concept . This meant that someone decided the evidence (most likely Big Pharma) and the way to treat most medical problems were put in print in the form of recipes or algorithms. If a physician did not follow the recipe, he or she would have to explain him or herself at PEER review, or worse, the state medical board. There was a taste of this during Covid with physicians losing their licenses for prescribing Ivermectin. This approach to “healthcare” resulted in the disappearance of the “practice” of medicine and the individualization of patient care . It also resulted in eliminating the need for physicians to think or ask any questions.
The FDA, CDC, HHS, our medical colleges and boards are all bought and paid for by Big Pharma. Medical schools get a lot of money from pharmaceutical companies to promote their health care philosophy — problem equals pill or injection. No diet / exercise / sleep or supplements. Our literature and research is captured as well.
We have SICK care here, not HEALTH care. Our country spends the most on health care in the world, but falls 79th on the list with regard to outcomes. We rank lower than Cuba. We also consume more than 50% of all pharmaceuticals yet we are only 4% of the world’s population.
If I were younger, I would go back and train to be a doctor of functional medicine, as they are the real deal.
4. What is the extent to which you have been successful in treating the vaccine injured? Of course everyone's personal medical history is different and everyone's circumstances are different, but have there been any breakthroughs in terms of treatment? If not breakthroughs, are there any positive developments to report?
I am very involved with vaccine injured groups, trying to contribute where I can. I send the patients that have problems with infertility to reproductive endocrinologists who evaluate them and do what needs to be done to get them pregnant. With regards to the abnormal bleeding, I do the traditional work-ups we have always done, prior to these vaccinations. I haven’t prescribed any of them Ivermectin or NAC for example. Conventional methods and surgical procedures are still the primary methods being used. I am waiting for more research to be completed before I start diving into alternatives. I am also involved in a research group that is actively working to get those answers. But giving them supplements and using red light therapy etc — not yet.
My contribution to my vaccine injured patients is also in terms of advocacy: telling them about the dangers of the shots as many still do not know or have not been told their problems are due to the jabs. This also gets the information out to whomever they tell. I tell them no more shots. I do podcasts and interviews and have testified before Congress to get the word out.
5. In your estimation, what should the medical freedom movement prioritize and aim to accomplish in terms of short term goals?
— STOP THE INJECTIONS immediately.
— STOP any injections that use the mRNA platform.
— Reverse the law that allows Big Pharma to directly advertise to the consumer. (New Zealand is the other country that allows this as well.)
— EXIT from the WHO and stop any support of the UN.
Thank you for your courage and thank you for being generous with your time and wisdom Dr. Biss. Warmest regards to you and your family.
The following are a list of informative links provided directly by Dr. Biss — we all have some homework to do!
Jessica Rose PhD.
Naert (2020)
Shimabokuro (6/2021)
Pineles: (2022)
Autism in rats (2024)
Thorp Study
ACOG Guidance
(I do not support ACOG recommendations. I include these links to highlight how out of touch they are.)
Shocking miscarriage rates that indicate a polluted gene pool. Wish it was all over now, but I'm guessing what we can see is just the tip of the fallout iceberg that's to come.
Thanks for her work but sad to see that she sticks to the normal routines.
Ivermectin and NAC are both very good at helping the body clean up inflammation.