In my campaign to warn people about the harms that have resulted from the mass injection campaign under the rubric of Covid-19, one of the responses that I've come across more than a few times is the statement, "Well, I've taken my Covid injections and I'm fine." Sometimes they'll add to that by saying, "I'm fine, and everyone I know who has received them is also fine."
When people make the claim, that they are "fine”, I consider this to be a profoundly ignorant thing to say. Please, do not misunderstand me. By ignorant, a word that triggers many people, I do not mean stupid. I mean to refer to the root of the word ignorant which is to ignore. To still believe that covid injections are not harmful and actually believe they are effective, means that a person has ignored several categories of evidence to reach this uninformed conclusion.
It is not possible to wake up a person who is pretending to be asleep. These days it is very difficult to gauge, who's sleeping and who is pretending to sleep. Perhaps some are in a waking state, a sort of pre-conscience. Others are clueless and unfortunately will die clueless. Are they oblivious? Are they in denial? It's impossible to discern and the psychodynamics vary greatly from person to person.
Indeed I suppose it's possible that some people are genuinely just not that receptive to the world around them and go about their daily lives in a more or less hypnotized state as they carry out their quotidian functions. I also think there is a significant amount of denial as people pretend not to notice the continual stream of “died suddenly” cases occurring daily.
The Substacks of Mark Crispin Miller* and Dr. William Makis** are still both diligently recording unusual obituaries — the died suddenly cases, the turbo cancers, etc. Steve Kirsch† continues to sort through data sets and highlight the extreme mathematical improbabilities that all these coincidences are all just coincidences and not co-incidences coinciding with the rollout of certain injectable products misleadingly labeled "Covid vaccines." We have Dr. John Campbell who continues to cover the excess death rates which, despite total lack of coverage from the poison pushing corporate media, have not subsided.†† In the cases of both Campbell and Kirsch, both received Covid injections and now regret having done so, but cannot be labeled "anti-vaxxers" as such. They "trusted the science" until the facts made it apparent that they, and we, the rest of the public, were deceived. Covid litigation is happening all across the country. The 20,000 Covid related cases currently underway in the United States are not happening because of a non-event. They are not happening because of a good product that has not hurt people — on the contrary. (Please take a listen to my interview with attorney Warner Mendenhall.)‡ Of course there is also John Beaudoin, author of two books — The Real CDC and The CDC Memorandum, showing with record level data, gathered from primary records (he correlates death records with VAERS reports), that indicate beyond any shadow of a doubt that the rollout of Covid "vaccines" marked the beginning of a tidal wave of injury and death. (Please take a listen to my interview with John.)‡‡
What we are now witnessing is a prolonged black swan event, with impacts ranging not just across one country or even a region, but rather the entire globe and the entire species. The maniacs who carried out this agenda may have just opened the gates of hell. mRNA was an evil djinni that should have never been let out of the bottle.
With all this evidence that Covid injections have harmed people and zero evidence they have helped in any way — "I am fine and everyone I know is doing fine" is not a wise remark to make. Here are five obvious responses to that not very thoughtful statement. I call these responses — The Furious Five.
1) Everyone who died suddenly was "fine" until they died suddenly. That's the gist of the whole died suddenly thing. It's a really odd collection, and unfortunately a growing collection, of people who are just dying with no forewarning whatsoever since the "vaccine" rollout. They were "fine" and then they dropped dead. This includes many people who are literally just keeling over and dying along with many people who go to bed not even feeling sick and simply don't wake up in the morning.
Early on, it was so-called right wing "shock-jocks" and podcasters who were supposedly dying from Covid after making public declarations that they wouldn't take the Covid shot. Now, for a much longer and ongoing period, it's people who promoted the shot on their social media and belittled others for not doing so, who are dying suddenly.
This phenomenon has of course been accompanied by the ominous acronym SADS Sudden Adult Death Syndrome, which is just a fancy way of saying, "The person is dead and we have no idea why the person died." I'm pretty sure it's only pro-vax shills who claim they've ever heard this term before the rollout of the Covid injections.
It should also be mentioned that cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has warned that millions of people in the U.S. alone are likely suffering from subclinical myocarditis which is basically to say undiagnosed heart injury.
2) There's no long-term safety data. These products were rushed-to-market. Hence the name of the operation that brought them to market was, "Operation Warp Speed."
There simply wasn't enough time to observe the long-term effects of these novel products. That's the problem when things are rushed through the regulatory process, highly relevant data is lacking and there's no way around that. It was both fascinating and troubling to see people going out of their way to minimize this very significant aspect of the whole situation — no long-term testing of a product that was being mandated as a requirement for employment and participation in society.
The fundamental problem, again is an obvious one — one may feel fine right now, but unfortunately one may be suffering from serious new health problems in one year or 5 years, or even 10 years when that person wouldn't have had a health problem were it not for an unnecessary intervention. I hope this doesn't happen. I wish every human being (who is not actively trying to harm other human beings) the very best of health. But the simple fact of the matter is the mRNA experiment in which the public was treated with the same dignity as that of guinea pigs, is a long-term experiment. The results of this experiment in mad science will continue to be revealed over the next several decades.
The concerns to keep an eye on are numerous. Not least of which is the concern of whether DNA transcription has occurred. (Transfection via LNPs leading to transcription of on and off-target foreign proteins.) Have we altered, even if ever so slightly, what we are as a race?
3) Just because you're not hurt, you think it's okay, and you don't have a problem if someone else is hurt? One of the fundamental questions that I've asked repeatedly, and I still don't have an answer to my complete satisfaction is — is it possible to have received one of these toxic injections that have been proven to injure and kill so many people without having any harm inflicted upon that individual, the recipient, whatsoever? I find that to be a rather important and terrifying question.
Some estimates have the death rate of covid injections to be a rate of 400 out of every 1 million injections. I've seen other estimates calculating a higher rate of 2000 deaths per 1 million doses. In either case, it's an extremely small percentage relative to the overall number of doses but an extremely large number of people — human souls extinguished with probably no concept of the risk they were actually taking when they were told a product was, all together now — "Safe and Effective."
4) Without having conducted extensive medical examinations of every kind, we cannot simply declare that someone is “fine.” Just because a person doesn't "SADS-out" right in front of you and drop dead while you're talking to them, doesn't mean they are "fine."
The human organism, miraculous vessel that it is, is comprised of several essential systems intertwined to complete the marvel that is the human body. Unless one has tested, by the best available means: the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, the neurological system, etc, etc, etc — how can one claim arbitrarily that somebody is “fine.” We unfortunately cannot perfectly determine that we ourselves are "fine" per se at any given time. But to claim that someone else is fine, because you want them to be, because you don't want to think about the possible harms of an invasive medical procedure called the Covid injection shows a strange allegiance that has been adopted by so many people. Allegiance to the government, allegiance to pharma, allegiance to the biosecurity state — but seemingly no allegiance to the human race. That is indeed, a sad state of affairs.
There's also the fact that medical testing to determine someone's health status is often dangerous and harmful itself to varying degrees, making one susceptible to iatrogenic injury.§ Many of these tests should frankly be avoided, if not avoided altogether, because there are risk factors that are often not fully disclosed by "healthcare providers" who stand to profit from each procedure. And since they stand to profit, they have fallen into a nasty little habit of not providing informed consent, whatsoever.
It should also be pointed out, and I know a person who unfortunately falls exactly into this category, that some people have demonstrable problems that are not being detected by any test. So, for example, in the case to which I'm referring, a vaccine recipient who is now suffering from speech problems — slurring when not at all drunk, and not able to speak and articulate himself the way he had prior to his injection. These problems were persistent to the extent that he went to a neurologist. The neurologist ran a series of tests and said he couldn't detect anything structurally wrong or anything damaged by means of the various tests that were conducted. Yet the person still has the problem, whether it has been formally classified or not.
5. What about the inalienable right to say “No”? I suppose this is a running theme in my Substack at this point, but here we go again — I find myself advocating for the importance of the word no and the right to say no. (Remember "no" is the most important word in the dictionary. “No” is also a complete sentence.)
I must insist, and this distinction deserves its own article, that we must understand that the right to say "No" comes first, and then the question of the medical efficacy of a product comes second.
It turns out these mRNA injections (and viral vector injections), with their lipid nanoparticle delivery system and plasmid DNA contamination were unbelievably harmful —making the covid injections the greatest mass poisoning in world history. But if that were not the case, meaning if the injections were not harmful at all and were even objectively beneficial to everyone who received them (an outlandish hypothetical I know) — it would still be a severe violation of our rights and a crime to mandate people to take them. That more people did not understand that intrinsically was one of the big disappointments of the covid event, from which truth seekers will never fully recover.
If the government had mandated that everyone take a low dosage vitamin C tablet that should be enough to foment rebellion. They can suggest we take a tablet for our benefit but the government should have no inclination and no concept of mandating anything of this nature — least of all, an invasive medical procedure. Mandates are tyrannical, a violation of our sovereignty and an attack on our dignity.
The fact that mandates were imposed under any circumstances whatsoever, was a flagrant violation of our rights. The fact that these injections were not only mandated but also turned out to be toxic, profoundly injurious and fatal for many, makes the Covid mass-inoculation campaign an abject crime against humanity and in the words of Dr. Ben Marble the greatest mass poisoning in history.
In the wake of these heinous crimes committed against the human family and in view of every social institution from medical to judicial, failing to protect our rights during this critical time — we, the medical freedom activists, must firmly and unequivocally demand an end to all medical mandates anywhere and everywhere. This demand is first, last and foremost.
*Pr. Mark Crispin Miller's Substack:
**Dr. William Makis's Substack:
†Steve Kirsch's Substack:
††The latest from Dr. John Campbell on excess death:
‡My interview with Warner Mendenhall:
‡‡My interview with John Beaudoin Sr.:
And his website:
§ You're Not a Doctor (my article with discussion of iatrogenic injury)
Thank you for the article.
It truly is sad see the longer term effects of the MRNA shot.
I remember Dr. Luc Montangne stating that over time we would see a grinding down of the immune system from this poison. Five years ago when this planned nightmare began I was agreasiviily warning many of my friends to not be a guinea pig .
However at least 80% couldn't believe that their government would try to harm them or didn't have the courage to stand their ground.
Today some have died and the rest have either cancer, fiber myalga, and other diseases that they never had before.
They still tell me that it is just a matter time til i drop dead from lifting weights and splitting wood and that the next virus will get me. At 74 it is true that one day i will die but as i tell them it would not be from the clot shot or some imaginary virus.
Excellent. I'm going to share this.
When I began posting on social media about the harms of the shots, one of my friends responded with the statement you mentioned; "I've had all my shots and I'm fine!" I asked her if she was okay with others being harmed. She didn't answer. As a Christ follower, as she also claims to be, I believe we must care and we must speak out. Sadly, our religious leaders largely failed us, so I have gladly joined hands with others who are very different from me, but are working to help humanity.