We Missed our Muhammad Ali Moment
Our failure to collectively stand up and say NO to our political "leaders" and the emerging biosecurity state is now resulting in an unprecedented catastrophe.
By Jeremiah Hosea Landess
Professional Musician by night, Chess Instructor by day, Citizen Journalist 24/7
Mohammad Ali was an exceptional boxer, both offensively and defensively. His fights were legendary, but it was his willingness to stand up and say "No!" to US imperialism by refusing to fight in the immoral Vietnam War that propelled him past the threshold of greatness into immortality.
Anyone who received an experimental Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) injection either: 1) did not truly understand the sinister, genocidal nature of this government or 2) decided on some level, either consciously or unconsciously, that genocidal policies were reserved only for "third world people" and would never be inflicted upon us – the U.S. population – privileged consumers that we are.
People blindly trusted the government regarding experimental injections and that was crazy, but when those same people were angry at others for not trusting the government, that was over the top nuts, coo coo for Cocoa Puffs, Twilight Zone-level insanity.
When someone threatens your life, it should be taken seriously. Our lives have been more than threatened, by our own government no less. In fact, many of us have been maimed and many more have succumbed to the ultimate "side effect", death. (I personally don't subscribe to the concept of "side effects" and believe that everything that is the result of a particular drug should be considered an effect of that drug.)
In a country afflicted with acute historical and political amnesia, we are required once again to review recent history. The president of the United States, along with the vice president, and governors all around the country, as well as senators, congress people and mayors pushed mRNA and viral vector injections on the public like two-bit drug pushers.
Who instructed them to do so? Since when was it the job of the president (or any other elected official) to tell people what medicines should be administered (injected) into their bodies? I struggle to reasonably understand how people didn't realize how inappropriate and strange that was.
Medical mandates from the same ineffectual leaders who can't fix a goddamned pothole; the same folks who can't address any of the problems in education, healthcare, gun violence, the environment or any of the other ills of society – demanding we gamble with our health by taking injections that were rushed through the regulatory process. A process that normally takes 8 years or so was condensed into 6 months, yet people who expressed concern about that rather important fact, were demonized and insulted like imbeciles for having a natural sense of precaution.
Let's also not forget that in receiving these injections, we were required to carelessly wave all of our rights in doing so. How outrageous. What a blatant violation of our humanity and what a blatant violation of Nuremberg. To think that many people who identified themselves as "human rights activists" in some form or another not only complied with the emerging biosecurity state, but became its foot soldiers, is both saddening and dumbfounding. Those who supported dehumanizing medical mandates revealed themselves to be the petty tyrants of everyday life. Past the realm of theory, these individuals have proven themselves to be people with shallow concepts of human rights and human dignity.
If you can't understand why a person wouldn't trust the government, what business, frankly, do you have calling yourself an "activist"? Such an absurd notion – the "activist" who cannot relate to the reasonable suspicions of "The People." Yet individuals were shamed, shunned and outright excluded for their healthy distrust of government and large corporations. In many cases the shunning was done by people who otherwise portray themselves as champions of diversity and inclusion.
What an ironic species we are!
All of that is the unpleasant and unfortunate backdrop of where we are today. What is slowly and steadily unfolding now is nothing short of a nightmare. People are dying and they are dying at alarming rates. In demographics, it's called "excess mortality." The definition is basically what the words suggest – it means that more people are dying than normal. The overused phrase, "correlation does not equal causation" isn't going to hack it this time, this is causal. What makes this so clear is that 1) the timeline corresponds exactly with the "vaccine rollout" and 2) excess death is not being observed in countries that had low "vaccine uptake”. The injections, falsely marketed as "vaccines" are negative efficacy products, plain and simple.
In my research (that dreaded thing we're not supposed to do anymore), I came across a paper called:
US COVID-19 Vaccines Proven to Cause More Harm than Good Based on
Pivotal Clinical Trial Data Analyzed Using the Proper Scientific Endpoint,
“All Cause Severe Morbidity”
I will not attempt to go into an extensive recapitulation of the document. I encourage you to read it for yourself. In summary, however, I will explain this: the paper shows that when you take the three vaccines that were available to the American public by Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen (Johnson & Johnson), all three were shown in abbreviated trials to have negative efficacy, literally. Meaning, while the "vaccines" appeared to offer a limited "window of protection" against covid, members of the vaccinated groups died more frequently in all three vaccination groups relative to all three placebo groups. The injections increase all-cause mortality and now we are seeing that play out on a global scale. Hence, excess mortality in every country where these "interventions" have been administered.
The final paragraph of the paper says the following:
"In such a hostile government environment, the citizens need to
individually evaluate the science of immunization with COVID-19
vaccines and not rely on philosophical arguments propagated by
government officials. In this case there is no scientific evidence
that the COVID-19 vaccines improve the health of the individual,
much less of the population as a whole. Mass immunization with
COVID-19 vaccines is certainly leading to a catastrophic public
health event."
I think that it is increasingly clear that these injections which were pushed so aggressively by mayors, congress people, senators, governors, the vice president, the president and, I almost forgot to mention, just about every major media outlet in the country, ultimately increased one's chances of getting covid, in addition to exposing the recipient to the widest side-effects profile of any "medication" in history. The fake vaccines the president was so desperate for everyone to take, are linked to neurological disorders, autoimmune disorders and heightened susceptibility to cancer. The immune system doesn't just fight colds and flus, it also helps prevent cancers.
Since the "rollout" a new term has been put on the table: turbo cancer. Cancers are appearing and arriving as stage four cancers, unlikely to be treatable. Rare cancers are becoming less rare. Cancers that were in remission for many years have come flaring back. Dr. Ryan Cole was the first I heard to report these findings. He issued warnings in various public statements and in various interviews. Since then, I've heard a variety of different doctors corroborate the same observations. Here we have a recently published paper showing data to support what Ryan Cole expressed concern about 2 years ago: https://www.ajmc.com/view/kashyap-patel-md-sees-link-between-covid-19-and-cancer-progression-calls-for-more-biomarker-testing
It seems to me that it is a "where there's smoke there's fire" type of situation. Nature doesn't like to be tampered with and has a way of punishing those who do so.
The fact that a technology injected in the individual with the intention of inducing that individual's cells to produce a foreign protein strikes me to be an endeavor that is likely to produce negative consequences, for instance cancer. But those are just my instincts. I am a total layperson when it comes to these matters. A layperson who does not trust the government and one who takes warnings seriously when they are issued clearly and coherently by intelligent people who appear to know what they are talking about. I say appear, because as a non-expert, I'm not qualified to say who is correct and who is incorrect, but I can, however, notice who is speaking coherently.
One thing that was so fascinating throughout the covid shutdown was all the yammering and stammering around misinformation (information propagated by people who are incorrect), disinformation (information propagated with the intent of misleading others) and now malinformation (information that is true but cannot be trusted to be interpreted properly by the common man and woman) with no emphasis whatsoever on clear information.
If the information being conveyed to the public is done so in a clear and coherent manner then misinformation, disinformation, etc., is a moot point. It's only when the story is contradictory and wrought in falsehoods that there is suddenly a need to fuss about the harms of "misinformation." It actually serves as the perfect smoke screen for authorities who can’t get their story straight.
Back to the unpleasant topic at hand, however, we must take some time to look at the rise in cardiac and cardiovascular related deaths. Dr. Peter McCullough, the most published cardiologist in history, has stated repeatedly and unequivocally that these injections are damaging people's hearts. Dr. McCullough was not initially opposed to the injections. He responded to the data and the harm as it was clearly being indicated. Dr. Aseem Malhotra, based in the UK, also a leading cardiologist, was on television encouraging people to take covid "vaccinations." He received a "vaccination" himself having no idea how harmful it could be. When his own father died however, he knew that something was wrong. For his father to have had a massive blockage in his heart after recently having had an exceedingly good bill of health, cardiac health specifically, is not something that can happen naturally. As Dr. Malhotra investigated the matter further, it became abundantly clear that mRNA injections are extremely dangerous as it pertains to cardiac health.
He declares that these products should never have received authorization from any of the various agencies that approved and endorsed them. He says that the corporations who manufacture these products are functioning in the mode of psychopaths. McCullough and Malhotra have even joined forces to tour together to warn the world about the dangers of the so-called "jabs" and ask that they be recalled immediately.
To suggest that these two gentlemen are doing this for attention, or that they have some significant motivation to lie about these particular products and are not acting in accordance with their ethical responsibility as cardiologists is abstract, silly and unfounded. That would be reverse-conspiracy-theory-land – outlandish and far-fetched.
After the first ever football game in the history of the NFL came to an end without being completed because of a cardiac arrest, when the son of the most durable basketball player in the history of the NBA has a cardiac arrest in a warm-up before ever making his college debut, when a paramedic has a cardiac arrest at a concert trying to deliver aid to a person who just suffered a cardiac arrest themselves, I think we need to drop our biases, be realistic and realize that there's a serious problem occurring – and it's probably correct to say that Doctors McCullough, Malhotra and the other cardiologists who have shown the courage to speak out are not lying or being hyperbolic in any way.
When leading cardiologists in the world say that a product is dangerous, perhaps we should take them seriously? The next new, post-injection term we must become acquainted with is subclinical myocarditis. Myocarditis that has not been diagnosed but is quietly there. In the words of Dr. John Campbell, "Most cases of elevated biomarkers are simply not being picked up." (Dr. John Campbell holds a PhD and is a teacher of nurses.) He was the one who first brought attention to another source of injury, which is the failure of nurses and people functioning in the capacity of nurses at pop-up locations to aspirate the needles, thereby increasing the likelihood of vaccine injury.
He was not anti-vax to begin with and spoke about the vaccines under the assumption that they would have a positive effect. Like McCullough and Malhotra, however, he realized as the data came in that the injections were causing injury and deaths. He then became aware of excess mortality and has provided coverage of that issue over the past several months. I will share links to his coverage of excess mortality and the increased rates of cardiac deaths below. I strongly encourage you to listen to his presentations.
Like McCullough and Malhotra, I believe him to be sincere in his effort to reduce harm and believe that to claim that he has said what he has said for the purpose of attention seeking would be absurd and implausible. We now live in a society where heart injuries, most of which by far still remain undiagnosed, are at epidemic levels throughout our society and vast portions of the world because of medical products that have been pushed relentlessly by governments and the corporate media.
Increased cancer rates, increased levels of heart injury across society and now the third point of reference I would like to introduce – data from the Department of Labor and the insurance industry as presented by Edward Dowd, author of the book, Cause Unknown: The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022. Dowd is not a medical professional. He's an investor and an expert in analytics. He is pointing to another key indicator that people are dying at alarming rates – disability claims and the insurance actuarial. The life insurance industry has never been responsible for fulfilling so many life insurance claims at the same time. Dowd also points to record levels of injuries. In June 2023, more people declared themselves disabled than any other month in the history of the country. Over 857,000 people declared themselves disabled in one month.
What do we do? How do we achieve justice for the dead and the injured as well as for those who lost their jobs for not complying and rightfully assuming that something was wrong with the aggressive implementation of one-size-fits-all "countermeasures" (as Sasha Latypova has said they are called in various internal documents)? How do we stop the biosecurity state and the transhumanist agenda that appears to go along with it – dead in their tracks? This fight is for human dignity, as well as the physical preservation of the human species.
I would like to thank my good friend artist, activist and educator Kraig Blue for his perfect phrasing, when he referred to our confrontation against the mandates as our "Mohammed Ali Moment." I would also like to thank another good friend, vocalist, multi-instrumentalist and conceptual artist Justice de La X Kindred The Kingmaker The Son X I am my Lord I am -- for teaching me many years ago that "no" is the most important word in the dictionary. The first word every child must learn for his or her safety is — NO!
Links to John Campbell's coverage:
Personally, i think many woke up. How does someone wake up? When it effects them directly. Sadly, some ppl have to learn the hard way, you can't force someone to wake up. There will be other Muhammad Ali moments.
Around 2005 or so, i learned of the vaccine agendas, propagated by Bill Gates/WHO/UN/CDC. Gate's Foundation: by injecting South Africa and India with infertility agents and diseases (HIV). I could share a video here, but wasn't sure if it would be appropriate. Depopulation has been in the works since (maybe earlier, but it's documented) NSSM 200 (dated 1974), which was written by Kissinger. https://pdf.usaid.gov/pdf_docs/Pcaab500.pdf The tone was urgent, overpopulation will contribute to food shortages, a strain on resources etc. Then when you understand the level of corruption and deception within the CDC: Many members of this agency own patents for the shots they put on the vaccine schedule. So they make huge sums of money with every vaccine that is added. That doesn't include what's CONTAINED in these vaccines...which can be attributed to many of the neurological issues we see in children nowadays: Autism, ADD, ADHD, Aspergers etc. Then the FDA offers a solution with medications. Lifetime customers. The CDC KNOWS vaccines cause harm, they don't GAF.
Medical professionals are indoctrinated to blindly trust the CDC and the FDA. Much of the medical schools are funded by the Pharma and Vaccine companies. They are not taught holistic treatments (labeled as quack medicine), but push pills, vaccines, archaic cancer treatments and invasive procedures.
With all that said, when COVID first hit the news, huge red flags because who was promoting it: Hysteria in the garbage mainstream media (which i haven't trusted for at least a decade - who owns the media?), Gates, UN, WHO, CDC, celebs (massive eye roll). The biggest transfer of wealth occurred during Covid. It was a way to usher in globalism to our front doors.
Steps to NOT fall for the b.s. hysteria this time: Turn off the TV (stop consuming mainstream news all together), seek alternative news sources that were censored heavily during covid (Big tech colluded in censoring) that offered valid alternative treatments (so no shot was needed), to concerns for reactions to these shots. The tides are shifting though, i see it daily in social media, that is HUGE. Have faith, as a collective we are more aware than you realize - unplug from negative and dis-empowering information. Sorry so long. lol ;)
As a barometer I like to ask, does the contrarian have anything to gain? Throughout this Scamdemic, people with everything to lose refused to be quiet. Tells me all I need to know.