Continue the good fight!

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Thank you my Brother.

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Thank you for all that you are doing for the cause of medical freedom. I am a 72 year old, unvaccinated grandmother. I don't have a lot to offer, but I am doing what I can in hopes of encouraging and/or educating a few people. People like you encourage me to continue the fight when I feel like giving up. My main motivation is my faith in Christ, which compels me to speak out against this tyranny. Live not by lies! Working together, we are making a difference.

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Thank you! So honored to have encouraged you!

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Jun 25·edited Jun 25

Listening to episode 45 The Bassline right now. I'm getting the sense that Dr. Lee is Cluster B. A bit narc-borderline vibes. Anyone else get that sense...?

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What do you mean? Could you elaborate?

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Some of the mannerisms. I think you're familiar with the Cluster B personalities, but if not, Dr. Ramani and the Disaffected podcast cover the topic well, among several others. I've dealt with several people in the 'cluster', and just got a 'vibe' from some of the 'me-me' focus. This CAN happen when people are unjustly ignored, but the 'tone' tends to be different in that case. Might just be me, was curious if anyone else thought this. -- I LOVE your episodes and share them all, please keep up the work you do~! I work in the holistic health field and saw many in my field first go trump-deranged, then go gender-cult, then become covidians. Many had been groomed for this, I think, by the 'toxic positivity' 'mindfulness' that had been used in the community. They had been conditioned to not confront the bullies, to instead 'be understanding'. At the same time telling those being bullied to 'understand' instead of confronting. The whole attitude created a bunch of obedient little betas who'd cater to the bullies. To the Cluster B's. So many were conditioned to not recognize sociopathy. It explains a lot we now see. And you and many of your guests point this out. Have you ever spoken to Jason Cristoff?

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I appreciate you listening to the show. I don't, however, think it is fair to psychoanalyze someone and label them after a one hour interview in which they were not the subject but rather a variety of issues were being discussed. On my list of 10 suggestions, criticizing my guests in the comment section was definitely not on the list.

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Honestly, I was not meaning to be rude~

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I didn't mean disrespect. It was a concern, but it is a sensitive topic. ~

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