A great article, Jeremiah!

"It never seemed to occur to academic leftists and technocratic leftists that you can't zoom milk a cow." LOL

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Thank you so much Tessa! That means the world to me from you, one of my very favorite Substackers.

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Masks: Don't you just love the folks who faithfully wore their double layered masks in their car....while driving alone...with the windows rolled up. And some still do!

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... Permanently captured. Here in SF in Chinatown, all the children and toddlers masked! It bloody brakes my heart. Some of these children have been masked since they were babies. It's just too painful. / *'

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Munchausen by Proxy.

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About two months ago, I saw a young family at the airport, a mom & dad with two toddlers, all masked, and they were practically the only ones in the entire place who were masking. I felt terrible for the children. I wish I'd had the courage to speak with them.

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Great description of those hypervigilant germaphobes.

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Fake altruism indeed! Extremely eye-opening read that highlights the atrocities of this — what I believe to be — manmade epidemic.

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Excellent & incisive analysis! Bravo!!! 👏👏👏👏👏👏

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Thank you so much John! Please tell a friend.

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"Zoom-milking a cow" - a brilliant phrase that made me laugh, then made me freeze, realizing this feat might literally become the next craze soon. Which makes the metaphor doubleplusgood.

Especially in the Kingdom of the Netherlands, which is something of a WEF-protectorate, chokeful of people (although I can report it's not chokeful at all with 17+ millions of souls squeezed on a terrain 1/3 the size of New York State: it still has meadows and forests and swaths of heath larger than Central Park); people who masquerade as woke-bots who masquerade as 'worriers' concerned that the planet will perish through rising sea levels, fossile fuel cars, pig farts and whatnot.

While I was awaiting the arrival of 'The Real Anthony Fauci' (a US best-seller, which nevertheless took 8 months to arrive at our shores through brick & mortar stores), a/the major Rotterdam bookshop had reserved an entire table for hardcopy 'Climate Disasters' - authored by the same guy who infests our streets, even in the outskirts, with cute electricity-driven Teletubby vans. I once shocked a (young, and human, in sofar as I could tell) driver of such a vehicle by asking: 'You do know that you work for a mass muderer, don't you?' He just stared at me, clueless.... Of course he was clueless, trying to scrape a few meagre bucks. But the entire 'laptop class' does the same thing, essentially, as if on cue.

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Brilliant overview!

And a brilliant metaphor - with a scorpion tail. The absurdity of zoom milking cows made me laugh, then made me freeze, realizing that remote machine milking has been practiced for ages.

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That's a good list. Under Agency Capture, add the fact that Trump appointed Pfizer lobbyists to head public health agencies - something I could have told him was a ridiculous thing to do when I was a child. You don't appoint the fox to guard the henhouse. And then he gave Presidential medals to these people on his last day in office. Just recently, when asked by Megyn Kelly about it, he pretended not to remember doing it!

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Major red flags early on. Excellent points, well stated.

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Brilliant and brave. Thank you for this great article.

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Thank you so much for taking the time to read it! Please tell a friend.

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I posted it on my Facebook page and sent it to some very smart folks

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I'm so glad you started this Substack, Jeremiah. You are very eloquent, well informed & courageous.

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Yup, a fine demonstration as to how phony and hypocritical the left is. Always has been. It’s only now that push has come to shove. Yeah, they care about people alright

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Thank you, Jeremiah Hosea, for interviewing the one and only Mark Crispin Miller!

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Excellent comprehensive list on everything that ~ some of us ~ questioned whilst others did not.

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This is an excellent summary. I'm going to send it to my blue pilled people and see if any of those fools wake the f up!! But I'm NOT holding my breath on this.

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Risky. You could be marked as HERETIC and tagged for compulsory internment in Camp Chomsky.

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Good stuff Jeremiah, keep it up.

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