An Interview with Ronald F. Owens Jr.
Ronald and Julie are Road Warriors for Medical Freedom
Ronald F. Owens Jr.
Jeremiah H. Landess
January 31, 2025
Ronald F. Owens Jr.* was an Information Officer for the California Department of Public Health. He clued in quickly to the fact that the Covid narrative and the subsequent protocols were sketchy and incoherent. From the ridiculous use of face masks to the killer vaccines that were of course mandated in some jurisdictions. His research led him to the finding that people of color, particularly Blacks and Latinos, were being killed by Covid injections at a higher rate than their White counterparts. His research became so extensive that it was then compiled into a book "Muzzled Truth" (available at
Ronald is a devout Christian. He is a published author with numerous publications (available at to his name. He is an outspoken member of the Stop the Shots Community† on X. He is also as active and persistent as a medical freedom activist could possibly be. Along with fellow Bassline alum, vaccine injured activist Julie Threet**, the two have formed a dynamic duo.
Ronald and Julie have gone county by county throughout the state of California to sound the alarm about COVID-19 injections and the harm they are inflicting. They are appearing systematically before every Board of Supervisors (BOS) in the state to urge all members to call for an end to the 1) promotion, 2) administration and 3) distribution of Covid "vaccines."
1) My first question is, could you please describe your primary responsibilities as an Information Officer for the California Department of Public Health?
I fielded media inquiries from reporters who asked about California Department of Public Health (CDPH) programs, answered questions about public health issues, and provided information to reporters who were curious to learn about the department’s policies. After receipt of reporter questions, I routed media inquiries to CDPH subject matter experts (SMEs), and partnered with them and other program staff in drafting responses that would be easily understandable to the general public.
I also collaborated with program staff in developing news releases, drafted talking points, prepped SMEs for print and broadcast interviews, and staffed those interviews.
When CDPH notified print and broadcast journalists for press conferences, I assisted drafting and disseminating media advisories, prepped news conference site and escorted reporters to that site.
I received, rewrote and edited daily media updates (DMUs) which public information officers sent me. Upon completion, I disseminated DMUs to the California Health & Human Services Agency, plus sent DMUs to CDPH’s directorate, managers and supervisors.
Furthermore, I advised department staff of the public relations implications of department policy decisions, which was the impetus to apprise CDPH senior leadership that properly-dosed ivermectin can treat COVID-19, and warn my management that COVID-19 vaccines have considerable risks.
During my early years at CDPH I planned, organized and facilitated weekly Office of Public Affairs staff meetings. I also facilitated administrative penalties media and stakeholders’ teleconferences.
2) What compelled you to write Muzzled Truth?
Before I answer that question, I need to explain about a climactic incident that happened on August 22, 2023, which I shared in my Muzzled Truth book.
I was one of ten participants of a virtual Zoom (called Teams) staff meeting that Tuesday afternoon. A reporter asked CDPH how many Californians were injured or died by COVID-19 vaccine. A discussion ensued amongst my colleagues about whether the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) was credible in indicating COVID-19 vaccine injuries and deaths. Feeling outraged, exasperated, sad and depressed about what was going on —I had been tracking VAERS data the previous 16 months— I tried to inform my colleagues what Department of Health and Human Services Secretary said on April 14, 2022 (Link 1). He said: “We know these [COVID-19] vaccines are killing people of color, Black, Latino, Indigenous People at about two times the rate of White Americans.”
I was so emotional that afternoon that I stuttered (I used to have a speech impediment) and messed up Secretary Becerra’s quote. And to exacerbate matters my boss rudely interrupted and talked over me. She tried to stop me from divulging to my coworkers what Secretary Becerra said on April 14, 2022.
Despite my boss talking over me, I was still able to blurt out that Becerra’s comment is still on the White House’s official YouTube Channel, which hopefully to my coworkers, legitimized the information I shared and authenticated my concern. Management shut down the call and later wrote me up.
They muzzled me, but I was not going to muzzle myself, so I decided to retire.
I was compelled to write Muzzled Truth because I wanted to document, for the public record, what I experienced as a CDPH Information Officer 2, and what I witnessed at CDPH before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. I was also compelled to write the book Muzzled Truth because it was emotionally cathartic —reporting, from my perspective, what I thought, felt and observed.
Bottom line: The California Department of Public Health has committed crimes against humanity —for withholding information that properly-dosed ivermectin can treat and cure COVID-19, and for not informing 40 million Californians that COVID-19 vaccines are injuring and killing people.
3) Please describe the activism you have been doing with Julie Threet — what are your methods and objectives?
As a resident of Elk Grove, California, I shared with Sacramento County Board of Supervisors (BOS) on four occasions this past late spring/early summer about COVID-19 vaccine risks. Sacramento County BOS Sue Frost, who recently retired, said if COVID-19 vaccines are killing people of color, why are we not stopping the shots (Link 2).
I appeared there three additional times then. I didn’t know during those appearances I was actually honing my message —a message which I would eventually communicate throughout California.
To that extent, on July 23, 2024, I emailed this (Link 3) five-page PDF memo to Sacramento County BOS. On July 29, 2024, I emailed an updated version (Link 4) to California’s 57 other County BOS.
In total, I emailed (in 58 specifically county addressed separate emails and attachments) that five-page PDF to 296 county elected and 62 administratively appointed (358 total recipients) local officials throughout the state. I officially notified/urged them to direct its County Health Officer to stop promoting, administering and distributing COVID-19 vaccines, because they are dangerous. It was a time consuming, laborious and meticulous project surfing to California’s 58 BOS websites and find, retrieve, copy and paste into my iPad Notes app —358 separate email addresses. But it was a labor of love for humanity.
I emailed the following update to California’s 58 County BOS last month (Link 5).
What I am doing is what CDPH should have done way back in April, 2022, when I informed CDPH that Bacerra said they knew that COVID-19 vaccines are killing people.
Here are the BOS locations and dates I’ve appeared thus far: Sacramento (Sacramento) 5/21, 6/4, 7/9, 8/6 and 12/10; San Joaquin (Stockton) 8/13; El Dorado (Placerville) 8/20; Yolo (Woodland) 8/27; Solano (Fairfield) 9/10; Santa Cruz (Santa Cruz) 9/24; Alameda (Oakland) 10/1; Butte (Oroville) 10/8; Colusa (Colusa) 10/15; Placer (Auburn) 10/22; Marin (San Rafael) 10/29; Santa Clara (San Jose) 11/5; Nevada (Nevada City) 11/12; Glenn (Willows) 11/26; Tehama (Red Bluff) 12/3; Lake (Lakeport) 12/17; Sutter (Yuba City) 12/17; Shasta (Redding) 12/19; Yuba (Marysville) on 1/14/25; Contra Costa County (Martinez), 1/21/25; Stanislaus (Modesto), (1/28).
I’ve been joined by Butte County Resident/ Lead Investigator Julie Threet, from October 8, 2024 to the present. Julie is a whistleblower against Butte County Public Health, having worked at their mass vaccination clinics in 2021. She is injured by the shots. The first two shots had left a lesion on her brain, chronic tinnitus and two detached retinas. She was forced to quit her career at Enloe Medical Center on February 1, 2022, when they required a booster and told her to stand down from voicing her concerns about this product. Julie indicated she has enough evidence to bury Butte County after three years and is just looking for the brave lawyer to take the case.
Her Mom died of her four shots on August 15, 2022. She had her Mom's vaccination card and provided that information to the Wyoming State Pathologist, who investigated her sudden death on vacation. They could not find anything wrong other that an unexplained “sudden cardiac event.” She had no previous heart problems and was healthy.
Julie and I are dedicated and motivated to stop the shots. To illustrate and accentuate her dedication and motivation, she drove more than 1,100 miles to ten BOS meetings. Thus far, I’ve ridden more than 3,200 miles to twenty-one BOS meetings on my two tires in front/one tire in back Can-Am Spyder motorcycle (smile). We have 37 more BOS meetings to go.
In addition to “going throughout the state of California to sound the alarm about COVID-19 injections,” we’re waging this information war with the State of California. Julie had already approached the California Board of Pharmacy (BoP) on several occasions. Well, I accompanied her the for first time last month.
During Julie's seventh appearance earlier this year, she urged the BoP to investigate VAERS deaths from vaccines administered by a California pharmacist. She also urged the BoP to investigate the thousands of patients who received an incorrect dose, wrong vaccine, and other product preparation errors committed by a California pharmacy, reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, through VAERS.
During my last two in-person appearances, which is further explained in my December 4, 2024 six-page letter (Link 6), I urged the BoP to allow treatment alternatives, such as properly-dosed ivermectin, which obviates the need for the COVID-19 vaccine. I also urged the BoP to discontinue promoting, administrating and distributing COVID-19 vaccine, especially since COVID-19 “vaccines are killing people…” at an alarming rate.
4) You are so consistent and so persistent, how do you stay so motivated and energized in your efforts?
As a Christian I know that the LORD assigned me and prepared me all these years for a purpose —which is to fight for humanity. When I get up, mount my Can-Am Spyder and ride to a BOS meeting on frigid mornings, I am consistent, persistent, motivated and energized to fight for the many people who are unable to fight for themselves. I’m fighting for your kids, Julie’s grandchildren, my four grandnieces and lone grandnephew. I’m fighting for their peers, the vaccine injured and the families of their loved ones who have died from COVID-19 vaccines. I also feel like Julie and I are two of many ambassadors of the ever-growing and ever-fighting Stop the Shots Community.
5) What would you say to a person who is not a writer, not an artist, not a doctor, not a scientist and not a lawyer but wants to get involved with the medical freedom movement? What would you recommend?
We all can do something. The first thing we all must do, is do not comply. We must be men and women of courage and tell our families and friends not to comply, if or when they try to lock us down, and separate us, and muzzle us and swab us and inject us again. No one can forcibly put masks on us, insert swabs in our noses, and stab us with needles. No president, judge, governor, mayor or local political official can prevent us from being with our families and friends. No one can prevent us from socializing and worshipping God and engaging in commerce, like going shopping and conducting business, etc. That’s the minimum of what we all can do —DO NOT COMPLY!
People reading this article can join the medical freedom movement, amplify and accentuate the COVID-19 vaccine is dangerous message. Anyone, anywhere at anytime can download and email, on my behalf, this (Link 7) COVID-19 shot warning template. They can inform family and friends by sending that document on my behalf to their local public official(s).
Thank you for allowing me to share Julie Threet and my story, and share what we’re doing to Stop the Shots in California!
* Ronald F. Owens Jr. on The Bassline:
** Julie Threet on The Bassline:
Link 1: <White House “Convening on Equity Summit,” April 14, 2022, YouTube video, scroll to 45:50 mark, <>;
Link 2: 'Why Are We Not Stopping the Shots,' Sac County Supervisor Sue Frost Asks, <>;
Link 3: <>;
Link 4: <>;
Link 5: <>;
Link 6: <>;
Link 7: <>.
Beautiful. I applaud them. It was a joy to meet them on your Twitter space, and I plan to interview them very soon, too! More (and more, and more) people need to know about their brave work.
My favorite parts of Covid:
No one likes to blame a victim(s).
But sometimes you have to.
Experimental Injections
… is one of those times.