Beautiful. I applaud them. It was a joy to meet them on your Twitter space, and I plan to interview them very soon, too! More (and more, and more) people need to know about their brave work.

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Tessa Lena, I will look forward to that!

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My favorite parts of Covid:


No one likes to blame a victim(s).

But sometimes you have to.

Experimental Injections

… is one of those times.


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Whilst the victims of these horrific bioweapons bare some responsibilities, the overwhelming blame lies with the makers, the overseers and politicians that allowed the greatest crimes against humanity. Bill Gates, Dazak, Hotez, WHO, CDC Walensky etc etc are guilty pending a trial by informed peers....

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What heroes!

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Stop the shots ! YES STOP THE MADNESS! 🙏🏻🌹🙏🏻 they want us all dead, and particularly people of color, indigenous people & the elders too! Why, because we will not comply to their takeover!

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Hi just followed - love wins on x

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Please subscribe for free 🌟

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Thank you! STOP THE SHOTS!!

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God bless all fighters for truth, against these murdering liars in power. Not much time left for them, then justice and peace will be all over the earth. No more wars and no more liars running things and people into the ground!

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Great Interview gentleman!🫶

Gawd Bless you Ronald for your integrity as a public health servant! 🙏

Thank you for all the work that both yourself and Julie are doing! ✨

The ripple of love and truth that you guys are sharing with humanity is felt and appreciated!🫂

Stay Blessed!😇

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Love seeing two super freedom warriors in Ronald and Julie!❤️ There WILL be justice!

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Thank you, Jeremiah Hosea, and thank you also to Ronald F. Owens, Jr. and Julie Threet. Ronald Owens and Julie Threet— I sincerely appreciate your efforts to speak to boards of supervisors.

This post prompted me to finish this transcript— here goes:


PrayingHawk144, posted August 24, 2023




JULIE THREET: So yeah, Julie Threet. I'm here as an advocate for the vaccine injured, me being one of them, and for my daughter Hannah Jane who is a healthcare worker who I'm advocating for her, too. And I'm also now advocating for my mother.

[Holds up photograph of herself with her mother]

This is my mother, Jane, murdered last Monday by Moderna. Four shots of a toxic chemical by Moderna. Four shots. This woman was the healthiest woman, 84 year-old woman, had nothing wrong with her at all. Period. She went to sleep, in the morning she got up at 6, went to the bathroom, and at 8 o'clock she was dead. This is medical murder, and now you've got three generations, and me, that's going to be on your ass. So here's the deal.

Four shots—

[hold up document]

— here's the batch numbers. OK? I ran those. You know I can run the batch numbers, OK, do it all day long. 029L20A. Seven people have died in the state of California, probably here in Butte County. 029L20A.[1]

Let me read one of them, OK. Very last one. This person's on January 19, 2021 and February 2nd, 2021, this person's father got those two shots. If you need the medical records, please let me know.

[Reading document]: My father was a strong man, even with his ailments, he was a strong, he was a fighter. If he didn't take the vaccines we could have had more time with my dad. The vaccine is dangerous and should be noted.[stops reading]

OK, that's that one.

Birth defects. Births defects from 029020A. Imagine that, birth defects. And I'll read one of these for you. OK. This is a 28 year-old female in California.

[Reading document]: I was 14 weeks pregnant for shot one and 18 weeks pregnant for shot 2. My 12 week anatomy scan showed my baby was healthy. All NIPT [noninvasive prenatal testing] and amino came back clean. My baby developed microcephaly by the next ultrasound scan. 19 weeks. Between 19 and 23 weeks her brain slowed down and development even further. I terminated her pregnancy.[stops reading]

Second batch number. If my mom knew about that she wouldn't have gotten the next one!

Here you go, 011A21A. One case. Patient died from this batch number. I'll read this one. Sudden cardiac death. That's what they said my mom had.

[Reading document]: Six months later died suddenly when heart stopped. [Stops reading]

This person was, um, how old is this guy? [Looking through document] 51 year-old male. What happened? Oh.

[continuing to go through document]: Birth defects for this one. Two birth defects from 011221A.

Read this one.

[Reading document]: 38 weeks pregnant at time of first dose, one week post-partum at time of second dose. At my baby's first month pediatrician appointment she still had— [struggling with flipping page of document] Sorry. [Reading document]: elevated bilirubin levels and a blood count showed that she had neutropenia. We had to go to the hospital to confirm these results and we'll have to consult a hematologist in a couple weeks. [Stops reading]

So there you go. And I've got one case dead for the 032F21A. Birth defects for the 056A2A.

So here's the scoop. So Lucero, Teeter, Connelly, Kimmelshue, Ritter.[2] There's going to be justice for junior, this 16 year old kid. There's going to be justice for Jane, my mother. [She points at the dias] Preserve your documents. Preserve your documents. We're going to be coming asking for them. It's insane.

MALE VOICE: Thank you.

FEMALE VOICE: That's all I had for submitted public comment.



# # #


[1] For current death and injury data on this batch number, see:


See also https://howbadismybatch.com/ - and once there, scroll down to the red button that says CHECK BATCH.

[2] Threet refers to members of the Board of the Butte County Board of Supervisors at that time: Debra Lucero, Doug Teeter, Bill Connelly, Tod Kimmelshue, and Tami Ritter.


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