Powerful last paragraph, Jeremiah. And to the Quote of "Legal has never been synonymous with right", I would ADD, as many have, that legal has never been synonymous with "justice" either. Both the legal and medical establishments have become mostly farces for the egomaniacs.
My favorite sentence of yours is "One would have to be GROOMED in not questioning, to not question such things".
Good Read. I was given that label, when chemtrails began. I'm an environmentalist. It was obvious that something was happening in the deep blue sky. People couldn't see what I was showing them. Cognitive dissonance. I imagine that those same people still can't see them, 20 years later.
A separate issue I may bring before the City Council. My wife an I often play a game we call "safe, injured dead" as we watch the commercial planes fly south-west to the airport. We imagine the planes exploding in route. So if they are directly over the house dead. If they come close, injured. And if not close, safe. LOL. It is really just a joke between us. But what is important to observe is these planes have no contrails or chemtrails: short or long vapor trails.
But every week we see smaller planes, flying eastward, that have chemtrails that are literally miles in length. It is well known the these chemtrails contain nanoparticle Barium, Aluminum and other contaminants. If you look up Operation Sea Spray (WIKI), which occurred around 1954, you will find our government sprayed an area in California with bacteria in order to ascertain the scope of a biological attack. A lot of people get sick from that by the way.
So in 2019 I did a 40 minute presentation about the dangers of 5G installations that continue to multiply and have deleterious effects on our health. In 2024 I am warning you about Chemtrails that are most definitely being sprayed over our city and basically all cities. Nanoparticle Aluminum can cause neurogenerative diseases and the other well known components are also toxic to human health. So when I get to it I will come before the council to demand that these Chemtrailing operations are stopped. I just get tired of seeing the American People treated like lab rats.
The following essay is about Geoengineering which often involves the use of Chemtrails. In the essay is the movie "The Dimming" which goes into great detail about the use of Chemtrails. You should all watch it as I'm only going to get 3 minutes to explain the dangers of Chemtrails on our community. Thanks!
BC (10/10/2024)
Please share widely. This is possibly the most comprehensive essay you will find concerning Hurricane Helena and the use of geoengineering to steer and energies hurricanes, tornados and storms. The benefits of the Biden-Harris administration geoengineering Huricane Helena is twofold: 1) It frees up the area for Lithium mining and 2) it could result in a Harris win in November. In addition the Democrats are doing everything they can to allow Illegal Aliens to vote in the November election. A Harris win will not be tolerated by the American People and will lead to a 2nd American revolution. [Updated 01/08/24]
Biden Geoengineers Hurricane Helene to destroy Asheville for EV Battery Lithium Mines
Prepare for 2nd American Revolution should Harris become president
A conspiracy does not have to do bad things, one or two can conspire to do good things also. Just a nitpick point but I agree with your premise otherwise. ‘Con -spire’ is literally to ‘breathe together’ which evokes plotting but for example we could plot to throw a surprise party 🎉
I refuse to use the term, since the purpose of that label is to denegrate, belittle, mock, demean and throw labels onto ppl who GAF about what is happening on the planet. They're just parrots, i refuse to even joke about it. I see posts of ppl making fun of the label by using tin foil hate memes, etc. as a way to make fun of themselves (among the awakned crowd) Nope, anytime that term is used, even as a joke to ourselves - gives that label more power, because it stays implanted in the public's subconsicous. Fuck That.
Powerful last paragraph, Jeremiah. And to the Quote of "Legal has never been synonymous with right", I would ADD, as many have, that legal has never been synonymous with "justice" either. Both the legal and medical establishments have become mostly farces for the egomaniacs.
My favorite sentence of yours is "One would have to be GROOMED in not questioning, to not question such things".
Thank you for noticing those details Joanna. I really appreciate it. You're awesome.
Thanks so much, Jeremiah! I tend to notice things others often don't pick up on.
Keep writing your amazingly thoughtful pieces!
The best way to destroy conspiracy theories is to prove that they aren't theoretical.
Yes. Absolutely, I agree on all points. So well put!
Thank you my Sister. Please share with anyone who won't lash out at you!
Good Read. I was given that label, when chemtrails began. I'm an environmentalist. It was obvious that something was happening in the deep blue sky. People couldn't see what I was showing them. Cognitive dissonance. I imagine that those same people still can't see them, 20 years later.
A separate issue I may bring before the City Council. My wife an I often play a game we call "safe, injured dead" as we watch the commercial planes fly south-west to the airport. We imagine the planes exploding in route. So if they are directly over the house dead. If they come close, injured. And if not close, safe. LOL. It is really just a joke between us. But what is important to observe is these planes have no contrails or chemtrails: short or long vapor trails.
But every week we see smaller planes, flying eastward, that have chemtrails that are literally miles in length. It is well known the these chemtrails contain nanoparticle Barium, Aluminum and other contaminants. If you look up Operation Sea Spray (WIKI), which occurred around 1954, you will find our government sprayed an area in California with bacteria in order to ascertain the scope of a biological attack. A lot of people get sick from that by the way.
So in 2019 I did a 40 minute presentation about the dangers of 5G installations that continue to multiply and have deleterious effects on our health. In 2024 I am warning you about Chemtrails that are most definitely being sprayed over our city and basically all cities. Nanoparticle Aluminum can cause neurogenerative diseases and the other well known components are also toxic to human health. So when I get to it I will come before the council to demand that these Chemtrailing operations are stopped. I just get tired of seeing the American People treated like lab rats.
The following essay is about Geoengineering which often involves the use of Chemtrails. In the essay is the movie "The Dimming" which goes into great detail about the use of Chemtrails. You should all watch it as I'm only going to get 3 minutes to explain the dangers of Chemtrails on our community. Thanks!
BC (10/10/2024)
Please share widely. This is possibly the most comprehensive essay you will find concerning Hurricane Helena and the use of geoengineering to steer and energies hurricanes, tornados and storms. The benefits of the Biden-Harris administration geoengineering Huricane Helena is twofold: 1) It frees up the area for Lithium mining and 2) it could result in a Harris win in November. In addition the Democrats are doing everything they can to allow Illegal Aliens to vote in the November election. A Harris win will not be tolerated by the American People and will lead to a 2nd American revolution. [Updated 01/08/24]
Biden Geoengineers Hurricane Helene to destroy Asheville for EV Battery Lithium Mines
Prepare for 2nd American Revolution should Harris become president
A conspiracy does not have to do bad things, one or two can conspire to do good things also. Just a nitpick point but I agree with your premise otherwise. ‘Con -spire’ is literally to ‘breathe together’ which evokes plotting but for example we could plot to throw a surprise party 🎉
Jeremiah! You'd really like my stacks! I just wrote this article TODAY on conspiracies: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/why-we-should-dive-into-conspiracy
One of my favorite essays. Thanks for a great post.
You you so much! You're feedback means the world to me.
I refuse to use the term, since the purpose of that label is to denegrate, belittle, mock, demean and throw labels onto ppl who GAF about what is happening on the planet. They're just parrots, i refuse to even joke about it. I see posts of ppl making fun of the label by using tin foil hate memes, etc. as a way to make fun of themselves (among the awakned crowd) Nope, anytime that term is used, even as a joke to ourselves - gives that label more power, because it stays implanted in the public's subconsicous. Fuck That.