Agreed. One doesn't get to lock down free people, ruin their lives, harm and kill them, cause untold stresses, coerce medical interventions, interfere with doctor/patient relationships, deny treatment, mandate masking etc.. AND then expect them to just 'move on'. Nah. You're either gonna pay for it, or at least we're gonna do our damn best to make sure it never happens again(better yet, both). This goes for both the instigators and their lackeys. This isn't about winning anything. This is opposition to authoritarianism.
I partly agree with you but I don't think we can do much more. Just waking up others, I've been like this for 4 years. Trying to help others to see. But they are always in control.
I will NEVER shutup about this madness. Because people are and will continue to die senselessly. My wife was at the Colombian consulate in Atlanta on Friday and “vaccines” were being offered with a prize of 100$. People were lining up. These demons will NEVER stop which is why we can never be silent.
When people say "you're obsessed" I find it stupid and annoying, but more than anything just sad because it's an attempt on the part of the one who said it to calm themselves, that locking down, wearing a mask, and taking all those injections was the right thing to do, and now everything's really OK. That will work for them until it doesn't.
This expresses my feelings better than anything I have read in awhile. My husband and I are 73 and 71, and, by the grace of God, we did not take these shots. I am so thankful. I am, on the other hand, so very disappointed in Christian leaders (and laypersons) who not only took them, but urged others. When I offered to lend Dr. Peter McCullough's book to one of our Bible teachers, he declined, telling me it was too divisive and he didn't want to get involved. He was already involved! He had asked his class to pray for a vaccine injured woman, assured them such injuries were rare and urged them to get boosted!
I was scolded by family members and friends because I would not be "vaccinated." A friend laughed when I said we were headed for tyranny. She's had at least two shots, probably more, and has currently been sick since December 20. Her doctor told her she has long covid and gave her a pneumonia vaccine.
I began writing on Substack, not because I am a great writer or think I have so much to offer, but in hopes of reaching a few people and encouraging others. My husband and I are now wearing 4" paperclips to signal our resistance to the tyranny and this has led to some good conversations. I've been encouraged to find that there are others who are aware. If you'd like to read about my paperclip resistance, here's the link.
How dare anyone judge you for not allowing this mass-destruction to be swept under the rug! Their denial is no different than that mask some still have on their faces and the faces of their children.
I am still hearing from people that they “have covid.” For some reason, this is still really special to them. And the face diapering persists. I have a neighbor whose face I have not seen in FOUR YEARS!!!
Btw, as a homeschool mom whose kid hasn’t seen a doctor in eight yrs., loved your comment about kids not doing their homework in the pediatrician’s office. Why in the hell should “getting educated” be predicated on receiving 72 shots by the time you finish twelfth grade? And then off to college, where you need more shots. Covid shot is still required at Harvard and 69 other colleges.
For a lot of these people, I think it was the highlight of their lives. I never heard my seventy something mother so excited as when she detailed Easter 2021 to me. The "vaccinated cohort" which included my three siblings and their significant others, had Easter dinner outside in Northwest Oregon (drizzly and cold much?) and all wore masks. These were fun times for them. Not anymore, though. Hmmm...
My partner (who was jabbed) left me over this same "obsession" with possibly one of the greatest financially and politically lubricated series of crimes, fraud, mass manipulation, tyranny, racketeering, and abuse inflicted against the human population, packaged in award-winning "we're doing this for the good of scoiety" + "we're all in this together" doublespeak and global propaganda. This "event" has helped destroyed countless lives and accelerate the collapse of global society, and sadly, we are warned there will be more.
the people who complied are angry and confused, and they want to “get past this” even though we haven’t even begun to deal with the ramifications of their compliance and their complicity. Governor Hochul is still building camps for us. She wants to put us in her quarantine camps indefinitely without even a Doctors note or any medical authority whatsoever. She points a finger and her goons drag us away, sedate us if we fight back and inject us against our will.
Anyone who's NOT obsessed with this damn assault on our freedoms and our lives is either braindead, a moron, or a COLLABORATOR!!!
Scary! I would like to see additional corroboration.
Please continue to be obsessed! We need more people obsessed and demanding answers!!!
Agreed. One doesn't get to lock down free people, ruin their lives, harm and kill them, cause untold stresses, coerce medical interventions, interfere with doctor/patient relationships, deny treatment, mandate masking etc.. AND then expect them to just 'move on'. Nah. You're either gonna pay for it, or at least we're gonna do our damn best to make sure it never happens again(better yet, both). This goes for both the instigators and their lackeys. This isn't about winning anything. This is opposition to authoritarianism.
I partly agree with you but I don't think we can do much more. Just waking up others, I've been like this for 4 years. Trying to help others to see. But they are always in control.
Repentance/Reckoning, or, Repression. It's that simple.
As simple: few signs that the former is coming, many signs that the latter is.
I would add to this, the guillotine
I will NEVER shutup about this madness. Because people are and will continue to die senselessly. My wife was at the Colombian consulate in Atlanta on Friday and “vaccines” were being offered with a prize of 100$. People were lining up. These demons will NEVER stop which is why we can never be silent.
It is the 2030 Agenda, follow its route, they will not stop
When people say "you're obsessed" I find it stupid and annoying, but more than anything just sad because it's an attempt on the part of the one who said it to calm themselves, that locking down, wearing a mask, and taking all those injections was the right thing to do, and now everything's really OK. That will work for them until it doesn't.
Well said, Transcriber B. I feel like I'm living in the movie, "The Matrix."
You are completely, unequivocally, right to be obsessed. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾
This expresses my feelings better than anything I have read in awhile. My husband and I are 73 and 71, and, by the grace of God, we did not take these shots. I am so thankful. I am, on the other hand, so very disappointed in Christian leaders (and laypersons) who not only took them, but urged others. When I offered to lend Dr. Peter McCullough's book to one of our Bible teachers, he declined, telling me it was too divisive and he didn't want to get involved. He was already involved! He had asked his class to pray for a vaccine injured woman, assured them such injuries were rare and urged them to get boosted!
I was scolded by family members and friends because I would not be "vaccinated." A friend laughed when I said we were headed for tyranny. She's had at least two shots, probably more, and has currently been sick since December 20. Her doctor told her she has long covid and gave her a pneumonia vaccine.
I began writing on Substack, not because I am a great writer or think I have so much to offer, but in hopes of reaching a few people and encouraging others. My husband and I are now wearing 4" paperclips to signal our resistance to the tyranny and this has led to some good conversations. I've been encouraged to find that there are others who are aware. If you'd like to read about my paperclip resistance, here's the link.
I fully support your obsession.
The sociopaths bioweapon release administered by captured criminals. Justice now!
Consciousness is our ONLY salvation. Thank You.
How dare anyone judge you for not allowing this mass-destruction to be swept under the rug! Their denial is no different than that mask some still have on their faces and the faces of their children.
I am still hearing from people that they “have covid.” For some reason, this is still really special to them. And the face diapering persists. I have a neighbor whose face I have not seen in FOUR YEARS!!!
Or “long Covid.” To which I reply, “No, you have ‘vaccine’ POISONING!” To which I receive silence-and the conversation ends.
Strangely enough, people don’t really seem to want to talk much about it now…hmmm…
Or perhaps they’re too busy with chemo treatments, or they’re in the hospital, unable to move the right side of their body. Or they’re DEAD.
The people who bought into it the hardest are now the ones that don't want to talk about it.
Btw, as a homeschool mom whose kid hasn’t seen a doctor in eight yrs., loved your comment about kids not doing their homework in the pediatrician’s office. Why in the hell should “getting educated” be predicated on receiving 72 shots by the time you finish twelfth grade? And then off to college, where you need more shots. Covid shot is still required at Harvard and 69 other colleges.
Normal, don't you see that they need to introduce a liquid interface to everyone?
Fueron engañadas. No todo el mundo pudo ver la mentira. Supieron jugar con el miedo de las personas. Cuando hay miedo no hay razones.
They mean that they are longing for COVID and that sense of virtue they got from their obedience.
They long for a return of the good old COVID lockdown and getting paid days and scapegoating the unhygienic unvaxxed days.
Maybe a love song for those missing the COVID is required.
Covid certainly has proved heart wrenching.
For a lot of these people, I think it was the highlight of their lives. I never heard my seventy something mother so excited as when she detailed Easter 2021 to me. The "vaccinated cohort" which included my three siblings and their significant others, had Easter dinner outside in Northwest Oregon (drizzly and cold much?) and all wore masks. These were fun times for them. Not anymore, though. Hmmm...
They also liked that they were participating in an historic event.
Great point
Oh, yes! The Pandeeeeeemic! How they loved their Pandeeeeemic!
You get the Flouride Stare
You would have better said that what he has is graphene in his veins.
And you will continue to hear that there is covid as long as they continue introducing graphene to people.
My partner (who was jabbed) left me over this same "obsession" with possibly one of the greatest financially and politically lubricated series of crimes, fraud, mass manipulation, tyranny, racketeering, and abuse inflicted against the human population, packaged in award-winning "we're doing this for the good of scoiety" + "we're all in this together" doublespeak and global propaganda. This "event" has helped destroyed countless lives and accelerate the collapse of global society, and sadly, we are warned there will be more.
Unbelievable how friendships were destroyed through this. I haven't spoken to my oldest friend in over 3 years. I thought he was a "radical."
Your partner won't last long if he doesn't know what this story is about.
the people who complied are angry and confused, and they want to “get past this” even though we haven’t even begun to deal with the ramifications of their compliance and their complicity. Governor Hochul is still building camps for us. She wants to put us in her quarantine camps indefinitely without even a Doctors note or any medical authority whatsoever. She points a finger and her goons drag us away, sedate us if we fight back and inject us against our will.
Show her the Campra report in her face, let's see what it says.
Lost my job over it. Enough said.
Generic Western government: "Your chosen profession is non-essential. The medical control-freaks say so."
So you're saying that health and fitness (my chosen career) is non-essential eh? Or performing music as a musician is non-essential as well? GTH.
No one forgets shit like that.
Great point! The inherent psychological violence of labelling people "non-essential."
And we know what they deemed "essential". Those "non-essentials" might kill granny in their asymptomaticness.
Yeah--while THEY went into nursing homes and killed grannies w/ their Remdesivir, & then clotshots.
I recall how proudly the essential category of supermarket shoppers would skip the queue of the unessential.