Here's another subgroup.

The educated and exhausted

These were the people who actually understood the mechanism of the jabs and refused to partake. To them the decision was easy. Why would anyone want to inject something that had the potential to travel any place in the body, insert itself into random cells in random organs, and manufacture a foreign protein there that would then be destroyed by the bodies immune system resulting in organ damage? They did not want this to happen in their hearts, the linings of blood vessels, the brain, eye, etc. They also recognized the lies. "The shot will stay in the arm". "Masks work". "You won't get Covid if you get the shot". "You'll kill grandma if you don't get the shot". Etc., etc., etc.

They tried to explain this to their friends and were ostracized as "conspiracy theorists". They argued with doctors and scientists on Facebook and twitter, and were told there was nothing to worry about and to stay in their lane.

At this point they are exhausted. They have lost friends they've had for years. They are disgusted with those science and medical professionals who will never admit how wrong they were. They are done with all the apologists who say "Everybody was doing their best.".

They have lost faith in "modern medicine". They no longer trust their doctors. They have less trust in the government than ever.

Their cynicism has reached new heights. They realize they are surrounded by grifters, sheep and authoritarians. They are sick of the debates, insults, and ridicule.

They'd move to a mountain top if they could. But most can't.

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Aug 21Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

This subgroup probably does what they can, where they think they can according to how versed they are in the subject, and what they've calculated as their chances of succeeding. And no doubt they are circumspect in where they try because of what they believe the consequences of a wrong choice would mean, given how thick the entire vaccination propaganda as a life-saving practice has been.

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It has been a revelation.

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And the greatest disappointment in people as a whole.

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Yes, yes indeed, but I now have a long list of people, citizens, lawyers, scientists, doctors, nurses, statisticians, and many others I'd never heard of prior to 2020, and for whom I have the highest respect. Many of them appear on my list of transcriptions.

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Swamp Yankee....what a well-written comment to a well-written Jeremiah Hosea post! I particularly liked this sentence: "They realize they are surrounded by grifters, sheep and authoritarians". Yes, and that makes up the bulk of both the medical and legal establishments.

-Joanna from Medical Freedom Alliance in NYC. (www.mfany.org)

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I can only really speak about Australia-

Over here three years ago you'd be attacked by the believers when we spoke out, there were that many they barely needed the bots and nudge unit accounts all our governments employ to manipulate the public perceptions. The fear drove them to unthinkingly attack and follow blindly. Now I barely need to post because there are now so many people empowered and awake. Whether the WHO or Anthony Albanese people are being outspoken against the establishment and more join by the day.

The largest turnout Australia ever had was almost a million people in early November 2021, our population at the time was approx. 25 million. If you actually take the time to think about it that's close to 1:25 people, one in every 25 men, women, children and infants represented against our government and the mandates.

- THEY ARE ALL STILL OUT THERE, but now there are far far more of us and growing by the day as the government overreach becomes impossible to ignore for anyone thinking.

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Damon - I certainly hope you are right about the growing awareness of what was perpetrated on us here in Australia, but I don’t see a lot of evidence for it. I avoid discussion about the pandemic & the toxic injectables with others unless somebody brings the topic up first - which is rare. I have been burnt by the ‘antivaxxer’ social stigma that was deliberately sprayed all over us by the corrupt ‘experts’ using the even more corrupt corporate media as their mouthpieces.

Nevertheless, I think that we may see some effects of a blowback in the coming federal election - but it is hard to gauge how that blowback might translate into numbers of votes. I don’t think that the major parties quite grasp this factor as they rely on very poor quality polling where the wrong questions are asked of the wrong people in tiny sample sizes.

Whatever happens, it is vitally important that Senator Rennick is returned to the Senate, along with the other courageous truth-tellers. That means that enough Queenslanders will need to ‘vote below the line’ and mark him as Number 1 on the Senate ballot paper. It will take a lot of organisation to get that message out, but I don’t know who will do it. There is no doubt in my mind that the move to downgrade Rennick to an unwinnable slot on the next Senate ballot paper was engineered by forces that are desperate to remove him from the parliament - along with the other truth-tellers who have been speaking out in the Senate to expose the monstrous evil that was perpetrated with the toxic injectables. Let us hope & pray that those forces of evil can be overcome. I note that even Bret Weinstein (on his ‘Dark Horse’ web & podcast) has wondered whether there really is a satanic force behind what has happened. It is extraordinary for him to say that, seeing that he is either agnostic or atheist.

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Rennick is the only politician that I would be close to just trusting, a good man and worthy of thee title. I hope so too.

I'm the opposite mate, I talk about it everyday to just about everyone and fuck what anyone thinks. In saying that I'm in construction and we're always building ourselves out of a job so losing one has no fear.

Last swing a random sat at my table and heard what I was saying, he feels empowered to tell his story on his injuries and how his daughter spontaneously developed epilepsy immediately after her mandated shots. I shared some treatment ideas and Dr Burkhardts autopsy presentations to highlight the gravity of the situation.

We wake them up or be buried with them and perhaps by them, plain and simple really. Your voice matters and may be the straw that breaks the Camels back

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

Good stuff!!! 🙌

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Thank you Brother! Keep up the great work yourself!

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

Not only are you a great podcaster, you are a brilliant writer. Shared👍

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

I was amazed at the results of the 2022 elections. People enthusiastically voting for their own demise. And the “patriots” who worship Trump even though god knows how many people in their circle are seriously injured or dead. Our species will get what it deserves I suppose.

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

EPIC !!!

Thank you, Jeremiah Hosea.

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

Seems that I missed reading about the category of person who kept trying to enlighten people.

Maybe I should read your post again.

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Namaste 🙏🏽

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

About the future...there is already the mpox, ebola and bird flu that the elites are trying to impose their lockdowns upon the world. This time it will be far worse unless we object. We ALL must object...there concentration camps in all 50 US states now. In Alaka, the camp can hold 100,000 people. The troops either through the UN, infiltration of the borders or the other go along get along will force the lockdowns. No more looking back, but forward.

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Aug 19·edited Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

I love the types you have come up with. But there is an overarching category even among medical freedom people you are neglecting. And those are people who believe a "pandemic" actually occurred and that SARS-CoV-2 actually exists.

Dr. Sam Bailey has announced that an improved version of The COVID-19 Fraud & War on Humanity, published by Dr Mark Bailey and Dr John Bevan-Smith in November 2021, is now available for free download. https://drsambailey.substack.com/p/the-covid-19-fraud-and-war-on-humanity

This explains that how the fraud of virology was perpetrated and why so many still believe in the idea of a modern day "pandemic."

Turfseer’s Top 20 Hits. Listen to the “Scamdemic Collection” of songs and music videos chronicling the lunacy of the Covid years. Hits including “The Virus is my God,” “The Ballad of Typhoid Mary,” “Pod People Barbecue,” “Sheeple University,” Trust the Science Rag,” and much more. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/turfseers-top-20-hits

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Sep 3·edited Sep 3Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

really good piece. i made two random notes while reading:

1) under The Loyalist, i read the line on “loyalty is akin to hypnosis” to be loyalty is “the key” to their hypnosis—maybe i’m not caffeinated yet, but i think that hypnosis is the overriding characteristic of The Loyalist. they can’t be swayed b/c they’re entrace-ified. they must be loyal at all costs and that need for loyalty is the pendulous pocket watch they can’t look away from.

2) i bet the AAA group is larger than we imagine. these folks will never speak up and be counted b/c they have too much to lose. these are keenly aware of the truth of the shots, they’re employed in entertainment, medical professionals, and/or other CREDENTIALED types who knew better than to take the juice, but can’t speak up, b/c if they do they risk losing one’s income. they’ve got their card, that’s all that matters.

if i were an evil mthrfckr i’d want a list of the AAAs b/c their vulnerability makes them easy to own. this was what i thought when i’d see “Get Your Card” spam all over social media, attached in posts having to do with vx injury. it’s a two-sided scam: 1) fake card is fake, and 2) harvest a list of vulnerable ppl.

maybe i’m too cynical by half, but i come by it honestly.

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Incredible observations as always Brook. I hope we can host a Twitter space together soon. I also hope we can do a joint Substack at some point.

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yes! let’s do both!!

[sorry i didn’t see this note sooner…i’m trying to get better at responding]

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

Great breakdown of the types. I believe what needs to be done is a coalescence of all. We must agree we were tricked and prodded and to stand firm for the upcoming coercions.

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Aug 19Liked by Jeremiah Hosea

What percentage of the 81% that got the Covid vaccine has dropped dead from its induced cardiomyopathy?

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Fear of Death. In Yoga science of the mind, there are 5 Kelsha's; afflictions of the mind. Abhinivesha Klesha, is Fear of Death. It is the most difficult for humans to deal with. It was used by the dark side as a weapon. A most Powerful Weapon, against the whole world. It was done intentionally. Never in the history of Humanity has the entire planet been so abused by this weapon. In fact, I would say, many actually died of this fear alone.

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